Silvio Parise
A criação poética é a forma mais sublime de se expressar o amor através das palavras.
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Golden Butterfly
Certain day,
I found sad and alone
Discolored at the side of the road
A golden butterfly
That, in weeping it wet
Now hers discolored wings.
Moved and almost without speech
I asked a cricket that passed
What had really happened?
Because, for me it didn't make any sense
What I just had seen at that road.
And a little saddened
He looked at her of a certain distance
Because it really did not believe
Phenomenon that gave him also anguish.
Because, unfortunately, I just had withnessed
After flying almost the whole morning
Sunny and where even the pomegranate
Smilling all full of grace at her
Because nobody imagined
That the golden butterfly suddenly would change
And, for punishment never to fly again
In that fearful metamorphose that not even the most famous scientists
Know exactly how to explain.
And so, it happened...
On that spectacular day
The butterfly lost her own apogee
In a very strange way
But, at the same time very peculiar.

By Silvio Parise

Published in 2012 in the book " Fábulas/Fables " by Editora Sucesso.

ISBN 978 - 85 - 89091 - 71 - 8
Silvio Parise
Enviado por Silvio Parise em 12/06/2012
Alterado em 11/08/2012
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